Thursday, May 6, 2010

Homeschool Day Book

I recently decided to try the Homeschool Day Book to record our school activity. I have struggled with record keeping systems before because of the redundancy I felt it was considering I check off things in my MFW manual as we do them and the time it added to our day. However, with three kids in school this year some things just don't fit on the MFW "grid" and kid three's manuals have not come with a pre-printed spreadsheet from the MFW folks(K and 1st grade). I also attempted a journal last year- notice the word attempt- so I needed something new.

When the Homeschool Day Book encouraged bloggers to give it a try I decided to see how I'd do. I don't want a program that requires me to spend more than a few minutes entering data. I have looked into some online programs and found that to be the case. I am blessed to live in a state that gives me some latitude in how I document our work so the record keeping system has to meet my criteria, work within my day, and not add stress in order to be valuable to me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Homeschool Day Book was not time consuming to use. I can enter in the information for each day in just a few minutes. I do wish the program would allow me to set up some sort of basic day. I would love for it to automatically load Bible, Math, and Reading for me each day I enter a day of school work because those are my priorities and the first to get done. If I could create a standard day to auto load and let me enter in specifics for that day it would be even more useful to me. However, in its current state it is still the best tool I have seen thus far. I believe I will be able to keep up with this more easily than the journal I attempted last year and record information in a more effective way than just making notes in my manual. I am looking forward to printing reports for our year end reviews!

Check it out for yourself at:

They offer a free trial and for a limited time an excellent opportunity for bloggers to review their product. I am impressed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Tonight I was going to try out Snapfish in response to a promotion for free coasters. I read about it on someone's blog and decided to give it a try. I visited the snapfish site, created an account, uploaded my photos, and then they would not offer me the promotion. I didn't create my account with a certain link that was required. Customer service would not provide me with a promotion code for the coasters, so I basically wasted an hour of my time. Not a good thing for a site to offer a first time customer. Beware Snapfish's promos, if you aren't holding your head right you might not "qualify".